Wycherley, who was born in
1640 in Shrewsbury, was educated mostly in France, where he converted from
Protestantism to Catholicism, presumably because it was more acceptable in
French society. On his return to England, he became a Protestant again—until
the accession of the Catholic King James II, when Wycherley reverted to
Catholicism once more.
His main goal seems to
have been to latch on to a rich widow and spend her money on drink and other
women. He finally succeeded to some extent when he married the Dowager Countess
Drogheda—secretly, so that he could maintain his supposed bachelor status as a
favorite of King Charles II. The King found out about the marriage anyway, and
Wycherley was dumped as tutor to his illegitimate son.
The Countess was a shrewd
cookie who knew about Wycherley’s roving eye, and she kept her husband on a
short leash. She insisted on
accompanying him almost everywhere, allowing him to meet his friends without
her only at the unfortunately named Cock Tavern directly across from
their home in Bow Street—and only if he was seated next to an open window, so
that she could see that he was not in the company of any loose women.
No doubt to Wycherley’s
relief, the Countess died a few years after their marriage, leaving Wycherley
her fortune—which he promptly squandered before falling heavily into debt. He was sent to debtor’s prison for
seven years until King James II freed him and even gave him a pension of £200
per year.
In his sixties, Wycherley
suffered from chronic illnesses and constant financial difficulty. He idled
away most of his time at Will’s Coffee House, where he met a young Alexander
Pope. Pope befriended him and helped him publish some poems, which were ill
received and derided by some as obscene.
When Wycherley was
seventy-five, his friend Captain Thomas Shrimpton tried to help him by arranging for
him to marry a sixteen-year-old girl named Elizabeth Jackson, who had a
considerable dowry. Once again the idea of a rich wife—and a young and sexually
appealing one, at that—motivated Wycherley, along with a desire to keep his
nephew from inheriting any of his paltry estate. Wycherley and Elizabeth were
married on December 20, 1715, and during the ten days after the wedding,
Wycherley managed to go through most of the dowry to pay his debts. On December
31, Wycherley died suddenly at his home in Covent Garden, probably of a heart
attack. His friend Captain Shrimpton married Elizabeth three months later.
Wycherley is buried in St.
Paul’s Churchyard, Covent Garden.
I am sure he died a happy man !