Pliny, a
philosopher and naturalist noted especially for his Natural History, was also a prominent military commander, which is
how he came to be in the vicinity of Pompeii on that fateful August day. Born
in Como, Italy, in 23 A.D., Pliny, born Gaius Plinius Secundus, was the son of
Gaius Plinius Celer, a Roman equestrian knight, and his wife, Marcella. He
studied law in Rome, then entered the army, after which he settled in Rome
practicing law and writing. When his friend Vespasian became emperor in 69
A.D., he appointed Pliny to a series of positions as procurator, or governor,
of various Roman provinces, in Africa, Spain, and Gaul.
philosophical Stoic, Pliny believed that virtue, based on knowledge, was its
own reward, and the highest good was to live in harmony with cosmic reason,
which governs the universe. “The only certainty,” he said, “is that nothing is
certain.” Like most Stoics, he paid scant attention to the possibility of a
personal afterlife. “It is ridiculous,” he wrote, “to suppose that the great
head of things, whatever it may be, pays any attention to human affairs….The
world, and whatever we call the heavens, we must think of as a deity, eternal
and without limit, neither created nor subject to destruction. To inquire what
may be beyond that is no concern of ours, nor is the human mind capable of
drawing any conclusions about it.”
Pliny never
married or had children, but a favorite nephew, Pliny the Younger, is the
source of most of our knowledge of his death. Two months before the events at
Pompeii, Pliny the Elder had been appointed commander of the Roman navy. On
August 24, 79 A.D., he was stationed at Misenium across the Bay of Naples from
Vesuvius, when it began to erupt. Pliny had a cold bath and a light lunch,
according to his nephew, and then went up on a hill to get a better view of the
volcanic action. Presumably to observe it more closely, he decided to sail
toward Pompeii, when he received a message from a woman he knew named Rectina,
who was stranded near the foot of the volcano, along with her friend
Pomponianus, with no means of escape except by sea. She begged Pliny to come to
her rescue, and what began as a voyage of scientific observation suddenly
turned into a mission of mercy.
Pliny set out
in a light, fast cutter, and as it approached the shore near Pompeii, lava,
burning cinders, and crushed rock began to fall on him and his men. When they
reached land, Pliny thought they ought to turn back, but his pilot insisted on
forging ahead, saying “Fortune favors the brave.” At the town of Stabiae they
found Pomponianus, but not Rectina, and then prepared to return to safety
across the bay. But there was no wind, and so Pliny thought it would safe
enough to wait inside a building until they could sail. Minimizing the
danger of the continuing eruption, he and his men ate and drank heartily, and
Pliny fell asleep, snoring loudly, according to witnesses.
Fearing the
collapse of the building they were in, his men woke Pliny and urged him to get
out. They headed for the shore, with pillows tied to their heads to protect
them from falling rocks, but on the way Pliny sat down to rest and was unable
to get up. Believing him dead, his men left him there, and when they returned
three days later after the eruption was over, they found his body intact.
How he died
has been widely debated. Overweight and suffering from asthma, he must have
perished, say some, from inhaling the volcano’s sulphurous fumes into his weak
lungs. The historian Suetonius, basing his account on hearsay, says that Pliny
was overcome by unbearable heat and asked a servant to kill him—although his
body was found with no apparent injuries. He may, of course, have keeled over
from a heart attack or a stroke. However he met his fate, Pliny the Elder was
dead at the age of fifty-six.
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