Born June 6, 1799, to an aristocratic family in Moscow,
Pushkin was the great grandson of an African slave who was brought to Russia a
century earlier as a gift for Tsar Peter the Great and who worked his way up in
the imperial court. Like many young people born into privilege, Pushkin became
a radical rebel and was often in trouble with the Tsar’s political police.
Pushkin attended the Imperial Lyceum near Saint
Petersburg, and then plunged into the raucous intellectual milieu of the city
on the Neva, a life that included heavy drinking, gambling, and womanizing.
When he was twenty-one, he published his first major poem, Ruslan and Lyudmila, which made a major splash in literary circles.
His activism for social reform resulted in his exile to various provinces and
ultimately to seclusion on his mother’s estate. Meanwhile he finished his epic play Boris Goudonov in 1825, but it was suppressed by the government
until 1831—and was never produced in its uncensored form until 2007. Eugene Onegin, a novel in verse,
followed in 1833.
An atheist in his youth, by the time he was in his
thirties he had settled into a fairly conventional Russian Orthodoxy, although
his beliefs very likely edged toward deism. He also was a member of a militant
Masonic lodge known as Ovid.
In 1831, at the age of thirty-two, Pushkin married the
sixteen-year-old Natalia Goncharov, with whom he had four children in rapid
succession. Natalia was a flighty spendthrift, and Pushkin continued to gamble
recklessly, so the family finances were always strained.
Pushkin was notorious for engaging in duels to defend his
honor, having fought some twenty-nine, so when he heard that his wife had been
propositioned by her brother-in-law, he challenged him to fight, although
dueling had been outlawed. Whether Natalia, who had been known to flirt with
others including Tsar Nicholas, reciprocated the proposition in any way is an
open question. Nonetheless,
Pushkin and Georges d’Anthès met at sunset on January 27, 1837, in a wooded
area on the banks of the Neva half-an-hour’s sleighride outside St.
Both men were wearing some sort of protective gear, and
D’Anthès was wearing the uniform of the Tsar’s Horse Guards regiment with
large, shiny buttons. Both men carried pistols, and at ten paces they turned
and fired. Both shots were true, but a button on D’Anthès uniform deflected the
shot and he received only a slight flesh wound in his arm. Pushkin took a shot in the belly,
piercing his spleen and his femoral artery. He died two days later of internal
Pushkin’s funeral was originally scheduled for the St.
Petersburg cathedral, but was moved at the last minute to a smaller church
because it was feared the many mourners might pose a threat to public order. The
Tsar gave orders for a handsome stipend to support Pushkin’s family, who
thereafter lived in far greater comfort than Pushkin was ever able to provide.
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