Blake’s venture into unknown
realms began soon after his birth on November 28, 1757, in the Soho section of
London. The third of seven children of James Blake, a hosier, and his wife,
Catherine, William said when he was four that he saw God peering in the window.
At ten he saw a tree filled with angels, and some years later when his brother
died of tuberculosis, Blake saw his spirit ascend through the ceiling. Baptised
in the Church of England even though his family were Dissenters, he had scant
formal education and spent time studying the Bible, which remained a strong
influence on his work.
At the age of fourteen,
Blake was apprenticed to an engraver for seven years, at the end of which he
opened his own shop, achieving success and some prominence for his relief
etching, intaglio engraving, and illustrations of Biblical and literary
works. He also began to draw,
paint watercolors, and write idiosyncratic poetry. Most people are familiar
with his enigmatic
Tyger Tyger burning
the forests of the night:
immortal hand or eye,
frame thy fearful symmetry?
was known for such other works as Songs
of Innocence, Songs of Experience, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and Jerusalem. His paintings and drawings included sketches of such historical and
mythical figures as King Solomon and Merlin, who he said stopped by and posed
for him. An exhibit of Blake’s artwork drew a derisive review as "nonsense, unintelligibleness and egregious vanity"
created by "an unfortunate lunatic."
In 1782 Blake married Catherine Boucher in St. Mary’s
Church, Battersea. She was an illiterate young woman whom he taught to read and
write and who became his assistant in his engraving work and a valued muse for
his poetic and artistic inspiration.
Although baptized and
married in the Church of England, Blake remained hostile to formal religion,
although he espoused his own brand of mystical Christianity. “The glory of Christianity,” he wrote,
is to conquer by forgiveness.”
In his
later years Blake’s professional fortunes took a turn for the worse and he and
Catherine grew dependent on financial help from their friend John Linnell, a
successful painter.
Blake suffered for several
years from what he called a “cold in my stomach,” now thought to be
inflammatory bowel disease, a chronic diarrheal condition with fever, chills,
and “shivering fits.” This illness was probably caused by a weakening of Blake’s
immune system owing to copper poisoning from his constant exposure to fumes in
his engraving and etching work.
The IBD then led to sclerosing cholangitis, an inflammation of the bile
ducts leading to the liver, and in turn to biliary cirrhosis of the liver and
liver failure, which ultimately caused Blake’s death.
A few days before he died,
plagued by chronic stomach upset, yellowing skin from jaundice, and swollen
legs and arms, Blake spent his last shilling on a pencil—which he needed to
work on illustrations for Dante’s Divine
Comedy. On the day he died, he
stopped work on the drawings, turned to Catherine, and said, “Stay, Kate! Keep just as you are, and I will draw
your portrait, for you have ever been an angel to me.” He finished this drawing
and then began to sing hymns of his own composition about the eternal bliss
to which he would soon rise. At 6:00 on the evening of August 12, 1827, his
breathing labored by pulmonary edema and apnea, Blake died at the age of
friend George Richmond wrote this account of his final moments: “He died ... in
a most glorious manner. He said He was going to that Country he had all His
life wished to see & expressed Himself Happy, hoping for Salvation through Jesus Christ – Just before
he died His Countenance became fair. His eyes Brighten'd and he burst out
Singing of the things he saw in Heaven.”
was buried five days later at the Dissenters’ burial ground in Bunhill Fields.
Catherine had to borrow the money for the funeral from Linnell. She then
supported herself as a housekeeper for another of Blake’s friends, Frederick
Tatham. Until her death in 1831
she said she was regularly visited by Blake’s spirit, whom she always consulted
before selling any of his drawings and paintings.